Thursday, May 1, 2014

4.04 Civil Rights

15th Amendment
The 15th amendment says “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” This amendment protected the rights of former slaves to vote, expanding suffrage to millions of African American males at the age of 21 & older. During the Reconstruction period, the amendment was enforced & many former slaves partook in elections. Voters elected African Americans to positions in state legislatures. But, once Reconstruction was over, the states in the south gave many former Confederates their power back & created new ways to alienate African Americans around this amendment. Some people in the women's rights movement had mixed emotions about the amendment because it didn't include "gender”.  It would've expanded the right to vote to all adult women. 
26th Amendment
The 26th Amendment says “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.” Before 1972, most states made it mandatory for voters to be at least 21 years old. In 1972, the 26th Amendment was ratified; the voting age was dropped to 18 years old. People thought If you were old enough to marry, fight in a war, & own a business then if you met that criteria you were able to vote for leaders & public policies. Not many between the ages or 18 through 24 vote now that they do have the opportunity, but many do vote.
Brown v. Board of Education
Almost 13 years after the ruling of Plessy v. Ferguson, African Americans formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) trying to protect their civil rights. It started off little with a few white supporters. The NAACP provided lawyers to take cases concerning civil rights restrictions to court. Linda Browns father tried to enroll her in a neighborhood school but was denied. Schools were "separate but equal" facilities, obeying the Plessy ruling. Therefore, it had the power to say where students went to school.  Mr. Brown felt that their 14th amendment was violated. The case was filed as a class-action suit, so any ruling would apply not only to Brown but to everyone else in a similar situation. The Supreme Court agreed that "separate but equal" was not acceptable in public schools, that segregated facilities weren’t equal. Many people in the South resisted the ruling. School districts created school zone maps that broke up neighborhoods to provide more balance of students by race. Buses had to be provided to take students to far schools to make it seem balanced. The Brown decision gave the Civil Rights Movement some juice to really explode. It was seen that you could push Congress to fix & alter laws. 
Gideon v. Wainwright
The Sixth Amendment says that suspects in crimes have the right to counsel for their defense. In 1963, the Supreme Court incorporated this right in Gideon v. Wainwright. Someone burglarized & robbed a poolroom business in Florida. A witness said Clarence Gideon was on the property, which lead the police to arrest & charge him for the crimes. Gideon asked that the court give him a lawyer but the court denied his request because the crime wasn't a capital offense. That means he couldn't be penalized by death. The jury convicted Gideon & sentenced him to 5 years in prison. He requested an appeal from the U.S. Supreme Court because he was denied legal counsel in violation of his 6th Amendment. The conviction was reversed by the Supreme Court making mandatory that the states must provide legal counsel in all cases where the defendant can’t afford counsel on their own. Gideon was acquitted of the charges. 

Friday, November 22, 2013


Im pretty surprised with the way Joanna felt towards Marliss Shackleford. Its like she had so much animosity towards her. In this selection it said ""I tried to tell Marliss that very thing, that she had to be mistaken, but you know her." "Hitting Marliss Shackleford over the head with anything sounded like an excellent idea to Sheriff Joanna Brady about then, but she fought down a biting comment that could have turned into additional ammunition.
The author intended for the reader to feel just as hurt as Joanna due to the fact that certain people didnt attend the funeral. She felt a little betrayed. This was organized chronologically in a story type setting.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Reaction: Shocked at how passionate Joanna is. She felt the need to inform Bobo on Rochelle's death because she didn't him to find out in an unpleasant way. Joanna went to delivery the displeasing news to Bobo & after she told him, he told her about he saw her the night before she died. They were suppose to go out for dinner but she cancelled on him. He went over anyways just to see her & really find out why she cancelled. Sheriff Joanna Brady also told him about Dede not only continuing with the gallery but also increasing the prices of her paintings. That infuriated Bobo & he stormed out his housing, quickly went down the hills, & swiftly made his way towards Dede's place of business. He seemed angry enough to punch someones lights out so Joanna headed there & asked for backup. Bobo arrived & a big altercation began & Warren felt the need to bring out a hammer to scare Bobo. Surprisingly Joanna appeared & settled the situation down. Honestly I believe Dede wasnt the greatest friend if she's willing to sell her "friends" paintings for more money without the consent of her loved ones. When Bobo called Dee a "Money-grubbing bitch who doesnt know a damned thing about what's important" I didnt care for her feelings & agreed with him. She was definitely murdered. Rochelle was not sick, someone wanted her dead. Probably Warren or Dee.

Authors Intent & Organization: The author J.A. Jance intended for the reader to infer that Rochelle's death wasnt a suicide or a natural cause from sickness. Someone killed her. At the end of Chapter 4 it says "It's you. You'll be happy to know it's done. She's dead. All you have to do now is send money." There were many types of organization patterns represented in this selection. Cause & effect was shown by the actions of Bobo. Chronological was shown through the whole thing to show a smooth going of the story being told.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Joanna went to the crime scene to check things out again due to her spare time she had. By the looks of it the motive wasnt a robbery. No money was taken & nothing seemed to be disturbed. From what Casey, forensic investigator, gathered the victim Rochelle Ida Baxter had company last night. There was an almost empty glass and a partially emptied beer bottle sitting on the table. There were distinctivly 2 different sets of prints frpm both the bottle & the glass. Rochelle's friend who was going to be involved in her art showing stopped by to see her & got the terrible news of her death. Dee aka Deidre Canfield informed Joanna about Rochelle's significant other Bobo. Dee decided to still go on with the opening but decided to raise the prices of Rochelle's painting & Joanna questioned her & made Dee feel as if she was a suspect & left upset & offended.

The author organized this selection by cause & effect. J.A. Jance intended to to find out who the pert was that might have killed Rochelle.

Friday, September 27, 2013


 I am currently reading Partner in Crime by J.A. Jance. So far in chapter 1, Joanna is at a funeral for Yolanda Canedo whom was spoken very highly of. Some of the inmates wanted to go to the service to show support. Yolanda died from cervical cancer at a hospice facility in Tucson. Joanna left her daughter Jenny with her grandparents because she felt she would be overwhelmed especially after Andy's funeral. Joanna felt as the head of the deputies union local seemed determined to drive wedges among members of her department. A DOA Joanna received & they believed to be a natural cause was the opposite. They labeled it as a suspicious death.

 List: I would use listing because It'd be easy to list details as they go along in the novel.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The quiz diagnosed me as my first choice would be fiction & secondly drama. I don't necessarily like reading, but if it's interesting something that I can relate to or is a mystery or filled with drama I could probably be interested & the book could keep my attention. Fiction doesn't really sound like me because if it's fake, it's basically a lie & I don't like lies. When it comes to drama I feel like that's right on the ball with me. I do like to be serious &U on the edge of my seat when I read because then I feel really wrapped up into the book. In place of fiction I think mystery could have taken it's place because I like to solve things. My interest is criminal justice & that's all about solving cases & getting to the bottom of things & reading about those things keep me interested.